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Taikai Finland 2022 9.-11.9.2022

  • Bujinkan Shinden Dojo 9 Koskelantie Helsinki, , 00610 Finland (map)

TAIKAI FINLAND 2022 will be held at Bujinkan Shinden Dojo in Helsinki, Finland!

Teachers - Dai Shihan´s:
Moti Nativ
Sveneric Bogsäter
Lauri Jokinen

Bujinkan Shinden HQ Dojo, Koskelantie 9, 2nd floor, Helsinki, Finland
Fri Sept 9th, 7.00 pm to 10.00 pm
Sat Sept 10st, 11.00 am to 5 p.m.
Sun Sept 11th, 11.00 am to 5 p.m.
Seminar Price Shinden ry members and visitors arriving from abroad or from further than 400km away:
Whole seminar 145 €
Fri only 40 €
Sat only 65 €
Sun only 60 €
Regular seminar price without the above price reductions: whole seminar 155 €.

Visiting students have an option to stay from Thursday to Monday at the Shinden HQ Dojo (bring your own sleeping bag), Koskelantie 9, Helsinki. For advice on other accommodation needs, please contact Please take into consideration, that the Taikai-party will be held in the same premises on Saturday evening.

TaiKai - party will be held on Saturday evening. Fantastic food, drinks, music and especially company guaranteed.
For more info on anything related or unrelated (except meaning of life) please contact:
Welcome, old and new friends!
Opettajat, Dai Shihanit:
Moti Nativ
Sveneric Bogsäter
Lauri Jokinen


Bujinkan Shinden Päädojo, Koskelantie 9, 2.krs., Helsinki
Pe 9.9.2019 klo 19.00-22.00
La 10.9.2019 klo 11.00-17.00
Su 11.9.2019 klo 11.00-17.00

Leirin hinta:
Shinden ry:n jäsenet ja pitkämatkalaiset (yli 400km tai ulkomailta)
koko leiri 145 €
Pe 40 €
La 65 €
Su 60 €
Koko leiri ilman em. alennuksia, 155 €

Halukkaat voivat majoittua to-su välisen ajan päädojolla, Koskelantie 9, Helsinki. Tuo oma makuupussisi. Pyydamme ottamaan huomioon, että Taikai-bileet lauantaina pidetään samoissa tiloissa.

Perinteiset TaiKai-bileet järjestetään lauantai-iltana. Ruokaa, juomaa, musiikkia ja parasta mahdollista seuraa!
Lisätiedot, kysymykset ja erityisjärjestelytarpeet osoitteeseen:

Tervetuloa, uudet ja vanhat ystävät!


Dai Shihan, Feldenkrais-practitioner Moti Nativ will hold an evening class of Feldenkrais on Sept. 8th, from 6 PM to 9 PM, the Thursday before Tai Kai. The class will be held at Bujinkan Shinden Dojo, Koskelantie 9, Helsinki

The class is open to all interested parties, price for Bujinkan-students 30€, non-Bujinkan students 60€. Pre-registering by e-mail to Raisa, The training fees are paid in cash at-site.

Dai Shihan, Feldenkrais-practitioner Moti Nativ pitää Käpylän päädojolla Helsingissä jälleen Feldenkrais illlan ennen Taikaita, torstaina 8.9 klo 18-21. Feldenkrais-ilta pidetään Bujinkan Shinden Dojon tiloissa, Koskelantie 9, Helsinki.

Opetus on avoin kaikille kiinnostuneille, hinta Bujinkan-harjoittelijoille on 30 euroa, muille 60 euroa. Ilmoittautuminen etukäteen Raisalle raisa@vennamo .com. Osallistumismaksu maksetaan paikan päällä käteisellä.

Theme of the evening / Illan teema on:

”Falling and the art of falling”

"Fifty years on the path of Martial Arts led me to the concept of Warrior’s Awareness, which has been informed by my experience, combining concepts of the Feldenkrais Method and the teachings of Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi in Bujinkan Dojo. I researched the “Synergy of Martial Arts and the Feldenkrais Method”, learning much about Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais and understanding the influence of his 30 years as an active martial artist on the development of the FM. The research in not theoretical – over the last 15 years I taught 300 workshops, worldwide, enabling Practical experience of Acting in the changing environment. This is Feldenkrais in Practice.”

Earlier Event: July 19
Kesäleiri 19.-24.7.2022